It is a good idea to setup your own certificate authority for example to issue certificates for VPN/WiFi clients. Best way to do it is to use Easy RSA. Lets start by installing easy-rsa package: # poldek -ivh easy-rsa Create directory for your CA, here we will keep it in ///root/CA//, but any path will do: # mkdir /root/CA Copy Easy RSA to your directory, go to it and rename vars.example: # cp -r /usr/share/easy-rsa/* /root/CA/ # cd /root/CA/ # mv vars.example vars Now we need to configure this CA. Edit vars file and uncomment/change options to fit your needs. We advice to change at least two of them: set_var EASYRSA_KEY_SIZE 4096 set_var EASYRSA_DIGEST "sha512" This will set default key size to 4096 bytes and set crypto digest to sha512. We are ready to initialize PKI directory and build our CA: # ./easyrsa init-pki # ./easyrsa build-ca Now enter password for CA key and name of your CA. Thats all. Your own CA is ready to use. Lets create your first certificate request: # ./easyrsa gen-req Enter password for certificate key and fill in certificate data. When done sign this request creating 'server' certificate: # ./easyrsa sign-req server Follow on screen instructions and thats it. And here is example command to create wildcard certificate for your server: # ./easyrsa --batch gen-req nopass # ./easyrsa --batch --subject-alt-name='DNS:*,' sign-req server